916: Four Season Ready 10×16 Driftwood Urethane with Crewel Tan Trim – no permit required


Ready for wiring and insulation
can be seen at 2944 Hwy 11 N

Building Includes:
2×6 stud construction
house wrap and tar paper
insulated floor (r12: residential standard)
3/4″ tongue and groove LP ProStruct flooring
(3) 3×3 double pane, energy rated, vinyl sliding glass windows with screens
(1) 12×18 sliding glass window with screen in loft
(1) octagon window in front loft
(1) 9 lite door
7′ deep loft + bonus 4′ storage loft
6″ Eaves all around
25 year urethane finish
metal roof with 25 year rust through warranty
Pressure treated 4×6 skids notched every 12″ to receive pressure treated 2×6 floor joists
Northern Ontario Mennonite craftsmanship

If you’d like to buy this building or one like it:

Please call or text Michael at 705-491-6330. Please include 916 in your communication.

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Michael Fricker